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海南 MPA每日英语晨读
来源: | 作者:admin | 发布时间: 2017-01-20 | 916 次浏览 | 分享到:

"The act itself never varies. But each kiss carries with it a meaning all its own. It can convey a husband’s eternal devotion. Or a wife’s enormous regret. It cansymbolize a mother’s growing concern. Or a lover’s growing passion. But whatever its meaning, each kiss reflects a basic human need. The need to connect to another human being. This desire is so strong it’s always amazing when some people don’t understand it. "

1. vary 
v. 变化,改变,使多样化 
various adj. 多种多样的
As theyre handmade, each one varies slightly. 由于它们是手工制作的,每一件都会略有不同。

2. convey 
I cant convey my feelings in words. 我无法用言语表达我的心情。

3. eternal 
adj. 永恒的,不朽的
the quest for eternal youth. 对永远年轻的追求。

4. devotion 
n. 献身,奉献,热爱
devotion to the cause of the people and to socialism. 对于人民的事业和社会主义的献身。

5. enormous 
adj. 巨大的,凶暴的
He earns an enormous salary. 他工资极高。
an enormous car/house. 大轿车/大房子。
enormous debt. 情深似海。

6. symbolize 
v. 象征,代表
The lighting of the Olympictorch symbolizes peace and friendship among the nations of the world. 点燃奥林匹克火炬象征着世界各国人民的和平与友谊。

7. desire 
n. 欲望,要求;v. 渴望,想要
I desire only to be left in peace. 我只想清清静静地不受打扰。



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